Tuesday, 24 February 2015


Size: H180cm,Base:78cm diameter
June 11

Punch bag covered in white material and fun fur. Embedded with two photographs, titled: Lost and found.
There is layers of meanings shifting between the personal to the Geo.

Monday, 23 February 2015

The wooden donut award

 Wooden Donut is a Sisterhood award for effort in friendship community keeping your family and house up to your standard.teaching being yourself all this good quality we appreciate when we meet each other,

wooden donut is made from christmas tree base found in parks after the christmas season


Size: 4m long ,5m high , 30cm wide
October 2012
Textile stitched together  from my ex husband clothes that he left behind  this been before part of trampoline piece titled ‘Ex caused me’ and exhibited at Utropia gallery deptford high st. Transformed to two letters resembling the masculine and feminine,
and can be view both ways as a NO and ON.

The letters staffed with balloons or possibly condoms.

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Paradise Lost

Paradise Lost
size: high 65cm, Diameter 30cm
Jan 2012
Made from ready made pedal bin
embedded with photograph of me by Mark Rennison. Using red body paint and the wings I made from my ex-husband 501 Levi's, called working class Hero. Inside the bin there is plastic roses with rose oil. Influence by Marcel Dechamp ready made.
The title reference to the epic poem by John Milton from17th century, its about a fallen angel in the garden of Eden. The same title 'paradise lost' used by John Martin to title his painting that I saw in the Apocalypse exhibition at the Tate Britain.

 From my jewish heritage Paradise Lost bring the shame of Adam and Eve had to leave garden of Eden. For me its about the lost of innocent.